Do you develop learning solutions, such as Instructor-led training, asynchronous or synchronous training, simulations, serious games, and the like?
Intended Audience: The CDT certification is for professionals who develop training and instructional solutions that are delivered live, in-person, or online and who want to be recognized for their ability to create effective learning events.
To earn this performance-based certification you must demonstrate all 9 standards by 1) answering questions about one of your learning solutions that are supported by client attestations and artifacts, and 2) committing to a Code of Ethics. The CDT is endorsed by ISPI.
The 9 standards are:
Click here to download the Handbook for the complete standards and the scoring rubrics. The cost is $600 for Hale Center Professional and ISPI members and $725 for others. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Once certified you will receive a digital mark. Please contact if you have questions
Do you facilitate learning events? Online? In person?
Intended Audience: The CFT certification is for professionals who facilitate training done online or in person and who want to be recognized for their skill in engaging learners.
This performance-based certification is endorsed by ISPI, Training Magazine, and the International Facility Management Association (IFMA).
You must submit one or more videos for a maximum of 35 minutes that demonstrate your competence in facilitation and are supported by learner evaluations and client attestations, and commit to a Code of Conduct. The 4 competencies are:
1. The Facilitation Process – Competent Facilitators ask questions that:
2. The Learning Process – Competent Facilitators:
3. The Learning Assessment Process – Competent Facilitators:
4. Professionalism – Competent Facilitators:
The cost is $600 for Hale Center professional members, ISPI, and IFMA and $725 for others. Click here to download the Handbook with the standards, requirements, and the scoring checklists. Register here. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Sept 11th, Noon Central, 60 minutes
This year's Wednesday with Judy series focuses on the communication, interpersonal, and counseling skills required to be an effective consultant. The September session, fatefully on 9/11, is a review of Project 2025, the proposed conservative mandate and blueprint for reforming government. Why is this part of consulting skills? It is an excellent example of obfuscation and a misuse of deductive logic.
Each Wednesday examines and demonstrates how the topic can enhance our professional practice. So, please join Judy and help create a common or universal model for performance excellence. You will receive a zoom link upon registration.
Coffee with Judy & Friends
Sept 12th, at 9 AM Central
Please note the day and join me for an informal get together. There is no agenda, so be ready to share or contribute to what others bring to the discussion. You must register, if you want to get the link to join.
Happy Hour
with Judy & Friends
Sept 12th, at 6 PM Central
Building community. Please join me for an informal get together. Connect, share, or initiate. You must register, if you want to get the link to join.