Integrity + Innovation
75 minutes
June 8th, 11:00 AM Central Time
Ever want to demonstrate to clients how effectively (or not) they communicate with peers and subordinates? Ever want to help your clients be more inclusive and engaging so everyone's ideas are heard and respected. Ever want to illustrate how information is exchanged, who initiates ideas, who functions as the gate keeper, and more? The Flanders Interaction Analysis is a proven technique for capturing and reporting how information is exchanged and how well groups are engaged in the process of debating and deliberating different points of view. You will receive a workbook containing the slides and rules and a toolkit containing instructions on the use and how to evaluate the data.
This webinar is one of the six-part miniseries on data gathering methods. Other methods include Observational & Cognitive Interviews, Critical-Incident Interviews, Sociograms, Surveys, and the Nominal Group Technique.
Materials: A workbook with Job Aids and a QC Guide
Cost: $69, discounts for ISPI and Professional Members. Contact if you are interested in an in-house program.
(c) Hale Associates Center, 2018,