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How to Develop Checklists & Rubrics

  • 09 Jun 2022
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (CDT)
  • Virtual
  • 20


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How to Develop Effective Checklists & Rubrics

90 Minutes

June 9th, 3:00 PM Central Time

This mini-webinar covers the ins and outs of creating checklists and rubrics that captures the attributes of a behavior ranging from not acceptable to exemplar.  The tool includes probing questions you can use with your subject matter experts to identify the features or nuances that distinguish the very good from the barely acceptable.  You will see examples of checklists and rubrics and learn why they work.  This one topic in the six-part series on testing.  The other topics are test basics, deciding what and how to test, multiple-choice questions, item analysis, and performance items. 

Objectives:  You will be able to: 

  • Use a template that lists key behaviors, behaviors, or attributes
  • List the factors that distinguish exemplar to unacceptable
  • Create checklists and rubrics that comply with the guidelines.

Materials:  Workbook with guidelines

Cost:  $79. There are discounts for ISPI and Hale Center Professional Members.

Contact if you are interested in an in-house program.   Visit workshops to see other topics in the series. 

(c) Hale Associates Center, 2018,

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